Our 2022 Impact Report

Austin Whitman
February 1, 2023
2022 was a year of significant and exciting growth. We're happy to share our results and what's ahead in 2023.

Last year we welcomed 90 new certified brands, quadrupled our greenhouse gas impact per company since 2020, and made huge progress toward our goal of eliminating millions of tonnes emissions. 

Looking back on the year, it’s clear: carbon accountability is now a must-have for sustainability programs worldwide. Our consumer movement for immediate climate action is rapidly growing.  And our community is now larger and more active than ever, with thousands of people working toward a net-zero future. 

We want to thank you for your continued support, ideas, and collaborative partnership. We’re happy to share our results from 2022 and look forward to even bigger impact ahead.

Climate Neutral 2022 Impact Report

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About the Author

Austin Whitman
CEO, Change Climate

Austin Whitman is the CEO of The Change Climate Project. He started working on climate and clean energy 19 years ago and believes companies and individuals can make a huge difference for the climate if they're just shown how. When he's not engrossed in organization-building, he's probably with his family or being an amateur at one of his many hobbies.

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